require "assets/analitics.php" ?>
The Rules of the Game
A few simple rules for playing Shuffleboard. Are you ready?
Who can play?
It is a fun game suitable for all ages, from 5 to 100 years old.
Goal of the game
Each player must push their discs to the opposite side of the court and try to get them to the parts of the triangle marked with numbers 10, 8 and 7 to accumulate points. Instead, he must avoid that the discs stop at the base of the triangle because 10 points are deducted from his score. It can also hinder the opponent's play by hitting his discs.
Duration of the game
The winner is whoever reaches 75 points or accumulates the most points after 8 rounds (each round includes two games with a change of field, first from left to right and then from right to left)
Ready? Here are the rules: